January 13, 2011

Paris Final Projects 2010_Housing over the Railway

Andrew Baldwin


Ben Holsinger

Beth Murphy

Bobby Blabolil

Gina Longo 

Jobi Jones

Liz Turncliff

Lindsey Dickes

Miguel Angel

Mildred Quinonz

Scott Gillespie

Yousef Bushehri

January 12, 2011

December 17 _ Final Jury

The day was finally here! After 4 months of hard work in Paris, December 17 was they day the students were all waiting for. The final jury is unlike most they would have back in the states. There was abundance in wine, baguettes, jurors and opinions! There were 40 jurors and they were mostly architects from Architecture Studios.  An amazing end to an amazing semester in Paris. Congratulations to you all Paris 2010!

December 15_ Médaille d'or from the Grand Palais

Shiela Lee was selected to receive a Gold Medal for her presentation in architecture at La Grand Palais in Paris.  There were about 20 projects presented, many having gained prizes at their school (if a thesis) or in other competitions (if submitted by young professionals) and she was selected to be the Gold Medal winner. Sheila returned to Paris to accept her  award.  Congratulations Sheila!

November 25_American's Thanksgiving in Paris

Even though we couldn't go home to visit out family back in the U.S. we were still able to celebrate Thanksgiving with our new family here in Paris. We had 25 people gathered around one long table decorated in autumn's finest colors, a turkey that easily weighed more than 20 lbs, loads of carbs and 5 dessert options! It was a beautiful evening and a Thanksgiving we won't soon forget!