January 12, 2011

November 04 _ Berlin Sketchbooks are Submitted

Less than one week after we returned from Berlin, the students were asked to submit their sketchbooks. The Students were required to do all of the sketching freehand and mostly on site. Even though the students were travelling at a almost hectic pace all over the city, the students seem to have taken advantage of their surroundings and rose to the challenge. The results are quite impressive. Below are samples of the student work from Berlin.

Andrew Baldwin - JFK Museum

Andrew Baldwin - Potsdamer Street

Benjamin Holsinger - Mermorial for the Muerdered Jews of Europe

Benjamin Holsinger - Nordic Embassies

Bethany Murphy - Mermorial for the Muerdered Jews of Europe

Bethany Murphy - Mermorial for the Muerdered Jews of Europe

Bobby Blabolil - Krematorium Berlin

Bobby Blabolil - Nordic Embassies

Chris Endozo - Mermorial for the Muerdered Jews of Europe

Chris Endozo - Jewish History Museum

Elizabeth Turncliff - Krematorium Berlin

Elizabeth Turncliff  - Gardens at Sanssoucci

Gina Longo - Mermorial for the Muerdered Jews of Europe

Gina Longo - Krematorium Berlin 

Jobi Jones - Topography of Terror

Jobi Jones - Aldo Rossi

Lindsey Dickes - Jewish History Museum

Lindsey Dickes - Nordic Embassies

Miguel Angel - Mermorial for the Muerdered Jews of Europe

Miguel Angel - Gardens at Sanssoucci

Mildred Quinonz - Gardens at Sanssoucci

Mildred Quinonz - Bahia Palace

Scott Gillespie - Reichstag Dome

Scott Gillespie - Topography of Terror

Valerie Berstene - Nordic Embassies

Valerie Berstene - Parc Citroen

Yousef Busheri - Jewish History Museum

Yousef Busheri - Mermorial for the Muerdered Jews of Europe

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