November 19, 2010

Auguest 30_ Cite de l'Architecture

The first full day of class was dedicated to exploring Paris’s architecture museum and library, Cite de L’Architecture (means City of Architecture). Located across the Siene River to the Eiffel tower, it provides an extraordinary environment to study architecture. It opened in 2007 and houses permanent exhibits, temporary exhibits, the French Institute of Architecture, an extensive library and archives. The permanent exhibit is the Museum of French Monuments, which contains three galleries:
-Galerie des Moulages - casts of French architecture from the 12th to 18th centuries.
-Galerie des Peintures Murales et des Vitraux (wall paintings and stained-glass windows), reproducing outstanding works from historic monuments.
-Galerie Moderne et Contemporaine - French and international architecture from 1850 to the present.

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