November 21, 2010

September 06_ Bois de Fountainebleau

La Foret et Château de Fontainebleau
The Fontainebleau forest  protected by France's Office National des Forêts comprises 25 000 hectares of forest surrounding the city of Fontainbleau and its accompanying villages.  Back to the 12th century it a former royal hunting park often visited by walkers and horse riders.
The Royal Château of Fontainebleau, is the largest of the French royal châteaux. It was were the kings of France would go to relax.  The original Chateau was on the site in the 12th century, but it was then renovated under the rule of Francis I in the Italian Mannerist style in the interior decoration and in gardens. This was the first time this Italian style was used in France. That style later became known as the Renaissance.

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